Thursday, March 26, 2009

Four days to go!

Our Pea Pod purse pattern has truly inspired your creativity! We have received wonderful pictures of your delicious, innovative and elegant purses. Some of the first entries are displayed here.

A marvelous product prize awaits the winner, and we look forward to receiving even more pictures. Remember that the prize will be drawn amongst all entries, so no need to feel shy of participating.

The prize will be drawn on March 30 at 14:00 Finnish time (see the clock) and the winner will be announced immediately after the draw on our website. You still have FOUR full days to enter!

Please post pictures of your purse to: ottobre (a) ottobre dot fi

Good luck for the draw!

Thank you Bettina, Petra, Gabriela and Ms. M. from Germany, Sara from France as well as Ruth and Kathy from USA.


  1. Hei!
    Tänne voit jättää kommenttisi myös suomen kielellä.

    Komentera gärna också på svenska.

    Kommentare auf Deutsch sind auch herzlich willkommen.

    OTTOBRE staff

  2. Tosi kivoja laukkuja, tahtoo tuollaisen!!

  3. Ihania laukkuja, tosi hienoja ovat saaneet aikaiseksi. Voisin itsekin kaivella kangaskätköjäni, laukkujahan ei ikinä ole liikaa...

    Lovely bags, ladies have done great. I might have to do one, too..

  4. Hi,

    all bags look great!
    Just 2 1/2 hour to go.... Good luck to everybody!


  5. Oh, these bags look very nice! And it's a great idea to collect pictures - but where can I see them? Unfortunately, I couldn't find them anywhere....

  6. Hello, just wanted to show off my version of the fabulous Pea Pod Purse! Thanks, and I included a track back to your design site :)

  7. Eine tolle Tasche, die ich hoffentlich auch bald bekomme!
    Danke für diese Idee!

    LG Coco
