Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sneak peek OTTOBRE kids 3/2011 Summer Issue

Hi Folks!

This has been an extremely busy spring for us! Our third issue for this year is almost done and we may show you some cute pictures of our mermaids, pirates and sailors. Enjoy!

And this little fellow's T-shirt jersey "HappyAnimals" we have already in our shop in two colorways: strawberry red and yellow. ottobreshop.blogspot.com

Official publishing day is 15th of April. See you then!


  1. I'm definitely intrigued by the shorts and dress! Can't wait!

  2. Lovely hat and dress! Can´t wait...

  3. SO nice to see boys shorts with nice details...and we always need more hats!! Nice work and am anxiously awaiting more!!B

  4. Wow! Looks really nice. I love the look of the little dress.

  5. Very cute! I can't wait to get my issue - esp. since it comes right before I have a whole week off that I can sew.

  6. Hi! Whether you plan to release models for newborns and premature infants, both in 6 / 2007

  7. I hardly cant wait to see it in the bookstore.......
