Monday, July 26, 2010

Soft Bunnies and Letters

Cute baby toys

Soft toys are easy to make and you can usually find suitable materials for them at home. Babies are attracted by bright colors and interesting shapes such as familiar animals or letters that make up the baby’s name.

In issue 4/2010 we promised to provide the patterns and instructions for soft bunnies as well as for soft letters that can be hung across the front of a baby carriage hood. Use safe, clean and colorfast materials for the toys because they often end up in the baby’s mouth.

You can use various scraps of fabric that have been left over from other sewing projects for these toys. Before starting, it’s worth preshrinking the fabrics by washing them.

Download and print out the instructions for the SOFT BUNNIES and for the SOFT LETTERS (edit: Added the missing link) from the links below. Note that you only need to print out the section of the instructions document that is in your desired language (Dutch, English, Finnish, German or Swedish) plus the pattern sheet. 

Download Soft Bunnies in PDF format (780kb)

Download Soft Letters in PDF format (308kb)


  1. I love the soft letters, can you point me in the direction of the PDF I can't seem to find it.



  2. Thanks for sharing! But I can't find the letters...

  3. Beautiful!!!!
    I would like to make the letters but there is no pattern although it is mentioned above ... :-(((


  4. Hupsis! Sorry, our mistake. Now they are online!

    OTTOBRE staff

  5. I can not wait until I can make it , they're so fun .

    My daughter is now 10 weeks , they will really like it .

    My son of 2.5 years , the characters are really cool .

  6. Totally adorable! I´m a lucky gitl, because I can sew something for a newborn baby girl! Thank you for the lovely patterns!

  7. In Spring issue (2011) for children, there was a black cat and directions that pattern will be found here... But no pattern :(
    Or is it somewhere else?
