Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You can't live without our new OTTOBRE calendar 2011

As every year we have published a new Ottobre diary for coming year 2011. Our fabulous calendar is a two part A5-size spiral-bound book including a diary section and a 40-page notebook section. The recycled-card cover has a lovely OTTOBRE print on it. This time our illustrator is young and talented graphic designer student Suvi Suitiala from Lapland University's art faculty. More Suvi's cute illustrations were seen on our latest issue's baby theme.

Order now the distinctive OTTOBRE calendar -handy for whole year! 

You can choose your diary either with English or Finnish/Swedish text. The calendar is available to our subscribers for 28.50 Euros (incl. postage all over the world / normal price 32.00 Euros).


- a weekly planner 2011
- a monthly planner 2011
- a yearly calendar 2011/2012 (begins from November 18th 2010)
- international festivals and public holidays
- a page for personal data
- space for your personal notes
- plastic pockets for business cards and documents
+ a 40-page notebook section

Tilaa nyt upea kalenterimme – siitä riittää iloa koko vuodeksi! 
Voit valita joko englanninkielisen tai suomen- ja ruotsinkielisen kalenterin. OTTOBRE kalenterissa on varsinaisen kalenteriosan lisäksi 40-sivuinen vihko-osa muistiinpanoille ja muovitaskuja käyntikorteille. Perinteisten nimipäivien lisäksi kalenterissa on runsaasti muuta hyödyllistä tietoa! Sisältää mm. viikkokalenterin, kuukausikalenterin, vuosisuunnitelmaosan, infosivuja, tehtäväluettelon ja muistiinpanotilaa. Kestotilaajan hinta 28.50 euroa (sis. postikulut, norm. hinta 32.00)

Beställ en unik OTTOBRE 2011 årskalender -till glädje för hela året! 
Kalendern i A5-storlek har spiralrygg samt en tjock anteckningsdel på 40 sidor. Pärmen är av returkartong och har ett kul OTTOBRE tryck. På svenska/finska eller på engelska! Som prenumerant får du kalendern till priset 28.50 EUR. Pristet inkluderar postkostnader, norm. pris 32.00 EUR)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Games to Fight Boredom on Winter Days

In my childhood we used to play a game where you had to balance a bean bag on your head and walk along a line that we had drawn on the ground. If you dropped the bag you were out. The lucky one whose bean bag stayed on the head until the end of the game was the winner. When we were a little older, we used to sit in a circle, taking turns to toss a bean bag randomly to each other and ask funny questions. I also remember those happy afternoons when the whole family played bean bag tag!

Such games are real fun and cost hardly anything even today. Therefore we would like to encourage families to spend time together and play. You can start off by making cheerful bean bags. Our bean bag takes the shape of a frog. Bean bag frogs are suitable as toys and playthings for all children over three years of age.

You can fill the frog with dried beans, peas or rice. If you wish to make a washable toy, use plastic granules for filling. If the toy is intended for a baby, fill it with polyester batting for safety and