Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hello Russia, Belarus, Ukraina, Kazakstan and Uzbekistan!

Dear Russian-speaking Readers,

Over the years, we have built up an extensive, committed readership in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. You have sent us numerous lovely messages expressing wish for OTTOBRE design® magazine to be published in Russian. We are now happy to announce that your wish will be fulfilled! OTTOBRE design® kids magazine will be published entirely in Russian as from the beginning of next year.

We cooperate with El Maestro, a company based in Moscow. El Maestro has already published two Russian-language issues of the magazine during this autumn: 1/2012 RUS (original issue OTTOBRE design® kids 4/2011) and 2/2012 (original issue OTTOBRE design® kids 6/2011).

These issues had such an enthusiastic reception from readers that it was easy to make the decision to start publishing the Russian version simultaneously with the other language versions. In 2013, all OTTOBRE design® children’s issues will also be published in Russian. Each Russian-language issue will be on sale in stores 3–4 weeks after the publication of the English-language issue.

Do you have a valid subscription to the English version of OTTOBRE design® magazine?
If you have a valid annual subscription but would like to receive your magazine in Russian in the future, proceed as follows:

Send us an email at info@ottobre.fi

State your name, address and, if possible, your customer number. Write “OTTOBRE Russian” in the title field to prompt us to deal with the message straight away.

Be quick! Notices received by December 5 will be processed and entered in our mailing list so that you will already receive the first children’s issue of 2013 (1/2013) in Russian.

After the expiry of your subscription you can, if you wish, subscribe to your magazine with El Maestro.

OTTOBRE design® Customer Service in Finland (info@ottobre.fi)

We handle all current subscriptions until the end of the paid subscription period.

You can still take out annual subscriptions to the English-language OTTOBRE design® kids and OTTOBRE design® woman magazines to Russian-speaking countries with us.


Would you like to subscribe to the Russian version of OTTOBRE design® magazine to be delivered to your home address?

El Maestro will handle the subscription service and sale of the Russian version of the magazine both for private and corporate customers, starting from issue 1/2013. Subscribe to the magazine in advance on El Maestro’s website at http://www.elmaestro.ru/Podpiska/index.php

By making your subscription in advance you will ensure that you are among the first ones to receive your magazine!

Приветствуем Вас, дорогие русскоязычные читатели нашего журнала!

В течение прошедших лет журнал «OTTOBRE Design» завоевал внимание широкой и лояльной читательской аудитории и в России и в других русскоязычных странах. Мы получили от Вас массу трогательных писем с просьбой начать выпуск журнала на русском языке. Мы рады сообщить, что Ваше желание сбудется! В начале 2013г. начнет выходить журнал «OTTOBRE Design Kids» на русском языке.

Мы сотрудничаем с московской компанией ООО «Эль Маэстро», которое уже прошедшей осенью выпустило два номера журнала на русском языке: 1/2012 RUS (перевод прошлогоднего номера журнала OTTOBRE Kids 4/2011) и 2/2012 (перевод прошлогоднего номера журнала OTTOBRE Kids 6/2011).

Два первых русскоязычных журнала оказались настолько успешными, что нам легко было принять решение о параллельном выпуске журнала на русском и других языках! В 2013г. на русском языке будут опубликованы все детские номера журнала «OTTOBRE Design». Русскоязычная версия журнала будет в продаже недели через три-четыре после выхода журнала на английском языке.
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Подписаны ли Вы на англоязычную версию журнала «OTTOBRE design»? 

Если Вы подписаны на англоязычную версию журнала, но предпочитаете получать журнал на русском языке, поступайте следующим образом: Связывайтесь с нами по электронной почте info@ottobre.fi. Сообщайте ФИО, адрес, и по возможности – свой клиентский номер. В качестве темы сообщения указывайте «OTTOBRE Russian» для обеспечения срочного обслуживания вне очереди.

Обращайтесь к нам как можно быстрее! Сообщения, принятые не позднее 5 декабря, будут сразу учтены в базе подписчиков, и Вы будете получать русскоязычную версию журнала, начиная с самого первого детского выпуска 2013г (№ 1/2013).

После истечения срока действующей подписки, Вы можете по своему усмотрению оформить новую подписку и через ООО «Эль Маэстро».

Центр обслуживания подписчиков журнала «OTTOBRE design» в Финляндии  

(info@ottobre.fi), тел. +358 16 42 50 851

обеспечивает обслуживание всех подписчиков до истечения срока действующей, оплаченной подписки
обеспечивает, по-прежнему, годовую подписку на англоязычную версию журнала «ОТТОBRE design» для читателей, живущих в русскоязычных странах. У нас Вы можете также подписаться на журнал «OTTOBRE design Woman»

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Предпочитаете ли Вы получать журнал «OTTOBRE design» непосредственно в свой абонентский / почтовый ящик?

ООО «Эль Маэстро» обеспечивает обслуживание и частных и корпоративных подписчиков русскоязычной версии журнала, начиная с номера 1/2013. Оформляйте подписку на сайте http://www.elmaestro.ru/Podpiska/index.php

Оформив предварительную подписку на журнал, вы будете получать его среди самых первых читателей!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Bonjour la France, la Belgique et le Canada et tous nos amis francophones !

Bonjour France, Belgium and Canada and all our French-speaking Friends!

Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir vous annoncer de bonnes nouvelles. Nous avons voulu le garder secret jusqu'à présent, nous y sommes parvenus de justesse ! Ayant reçu tant de beaux messages encourageants de votre part, nous souhaitons répondre à vos attentes : le magazine OTTOBRE design® sera également édité EN FRANÇAIS à partir de janvier 2013.

La première version française, OTTOBRE design® enfant 1/2013, paraîtra au début de l'année, puis les éditions suivantes, y compris le magazine femme, seront elles aussi en français.


Abonnez-vous au magazine en français à l'avance !

Vous pouvez vous abonner au magazine en français à partir du 24 novembre 2012 sur notre site Web à : https://www.ottobredesign.com/subscription/index.php?lang=en

Si vous souhaitez commander seulement un numéro à l'unité en français (numéro 1/2013), vous pouvez le commander ici :

Abonnez-vous ou commandez à l'avance votre numéro à l'unité pour vous assurer d'être parmi premiers à recevoir le magazine !

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Vous souhaitez changer la langue de votre abonnement ?

Si vous avez déjà un abonnement annuel en cours et si vous souhaitez recevoir votre magazine en français à l'avenir, il suffit de suivre les consignes :

Envoyez-nous un email à service@ottobre.fi

Donnez votre nom, adresse et, si possible, votre numéro de client dans votre message.  Ecrivez “OTTOBRE French”  dans le champ de titre du message, ainsi nous saurons qu'il faut le traiter rapidement.

Soyez rapide ! Les messages reçus avant fin novembre (le 30 nov.) seront traités et saisis dans notre liste d’envois, et vous recevrez alors l'édition enfant 1/2013 en français.


Vous souhaitez devenir un revendeur de Ottobre magazine en France ou en Belgique ?

Le magazine sera en vente dans les maisons de la presse et dans les bonnes librairies en France et en Belgique. Si vous êtes propriétaire d'un magasin de tissu ou d'une mercerie et si vous souhaitez devenir un revendeur de notre magazine, contactez notre agent française Rébecca Hindermann à ottobrefrance@laposte.net ou notre service clients à service@ottobre.fi

Vous serez bienvenus dans l'équipe !

Partagez la bonne nouvelle, faites circuler cette information sur votre blog, parlez en à vos amis, vous participerez ainsi à la diffusion de notre magazine en français.

+ + +
Bonjour France, Belgium and Canada and all our French-speaking Friends!

We are excited to announce some wonderful news to you. We wanted to keep it a Big Secret up till now, which we barely managed! Having received so many lovely, encouraging messages from you, we decided to fulfill your wishes: OTTOBRE design® magazine will be published also IN FRENCH as from the beginning of next year.

The first French-language issue, OTTOBRE design® enfant 1/2013, will be published in January 2013, and after that, all forthcoming issues, including the women’s magazine, will also be published in French.

Subscribe to the French-language magazine in advance!

You can make an annual subscription to the magazine as from November 24, 2012 on our website at:


Make your subscription or order in advance to ensure that you are among the first ones to receive the magazine!

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Do you wish to change the language of your annual subscription?

If you already have a valid annual subscription but would like to receive your magazine in French in the future, proceed as follows:

Send us an email at service@ottobre.fi

State your name, address and, if possible, your customer number in your message. Write “OTTOBRE French” in the title field to prompt us to deal with the message straight away.

Be quick! Notices received by the end of November (Nov 30) will be processed and entered in our mailing list so that you will already receive the first children’s issue of 2013 (1/2013) in French.
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Would you like to become a retailer of Ottobre magazines in France or Belgium?

The magazine will be on sale at well-stocked newsstands and bookstores in France and Belgium. If you own a fabric or sewing supplies store and would like to become a retailer of our magazine, please contact our French-speaking agent Rébecca Hindermann at ottobrefrance@laposte.net or our customer service at service@ottobre.fi

You are very welcome to join the team!

Please spread our good news also in your blog and among your friends in order to attract as many happy customers to our French-language magazine as possible.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sandy ate our candy...

Dear Readers in North America,

We have received inquiries about the non-arrival of our winter issue 6/2012 in North America. Regarding this, our partner, the Swiss Post, sent us the following message to be forwarded to our customers:

“Because of the Superstorm Sandy, the situation regarding shipments to the USA is really chaotic. International shipments are normally imported via New York’s JFK Airport, which has – in addition to the storm – suffered from exceptional snowfalls. Due to this, a large amount of international mail is stuck at the airport, waiting for the situation to get back to normal. Although some of the international shipments have been re-directed to other airports, there are still considerable delays due to the storm.

It is advisable to ask customers to continue to be patient and wait. They will definitely receive their magazines once the chaos has been sorted out.”

We regret this state of affairs and hope that you have the patience to wait a little longer for the situation to clear up.

Best regards,

Matti Hepola
Publishing Director