Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Season's greeting from the Arctic Circle
It is wonderful to be inside when it is -25°c (-13°F) outdoors and your breath transforms into a giant puff of white mist. It would be fun to send a dash of this brisk Nordic weather as a gift to each of you.
Here at Ottobre, we are gradually switching into a holiday mood. Next year's first edition is now being printed, Yule songs are playing on the radio and everyone has got at least one bite of gingerbread. Our Ottobre team will soon begin a well-deserved winter holiday.
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After the New Year, we'll probably be getting a little anxious. In January 2013, we'll publish Ottobre's Russian and French editions for the first time. In other words, soon Ottobre magazine will be available in seven different languages.
It will be fun to see how Ottobre is welcomed in these new countries. We warmly welcome all our new friends into the Ottobre world!
Our readers can now be found in 130 different countries. This year, many of you have sent us letters, e-mails and photographs. We were delighted by each and every one, and we got a bunch of good ideas from them too.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We hope next year will bring you lots of joy and fun moments when sewing and creating !
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the Coming Year,
The Ottobre Team
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Hello Russia, Belarus, Ukraina, Kazakstan and Uzbekistan!
Dear Russian-speaking Readers,
Over the years, we have built up an extensive, committed readership in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. You have sent us numerous lovely messages expressing wish for OTTOBRE design® magazine to be published in Russian. We are now happy to announce that your wish will be fulfilled! OTTOBRE design® kids magazine will be published entirely in Russian as from the beginning of next year.We cooperate with El Maestro, a company based in Moscow. El Maestro has already published two Russian-language issues of the magazine during this autumn: 1/2012 RUS (original issue OTTOBRE design® kids 4/2011) and 2/2012 (original issue OTTOBRE design® kids 6/2011).
These issues had such an enthusiastic reception from readers that it was easy to make the decision to start publishing the Russian version simultaneously with the other language versions. In 2013, all OTTOBRE design® children’s issues will also be published in Russian. Each Russian-language issue will be on sale in stores 3–4 weeks after the publication of the English-language issue.
Do you have a valid subscription to the English version of OTTOBRE design® magazine?
If you have a valid annual subscription but would like to receive your magazine in Russian in the future, proceed as follows:
Send us an email at info@ottobre.fi
State your name, address and, if possible, your customer number. Write “OTTOBRE Russian” in the title field to prompt us to deal with the message straight away.
Be quick! Notices received by December 5 will be processed and entered in our mailing list so that you will already receive the first children’s issue of 2013 (1/2013) in Russian.
After the expiry of your subscription you can, if you wish, subscribe to your magazine with El Maestro.
OTTOBRE design® Customer Service in Finland (info@ottobre.fi)
We handle all current subscriptions until the end of the paid subscription period.
You can still take out annual subscriptions to the English-language OTTOBRE design® kids and OTTOBRE design® woman magazines to Russian-speaking countries with us.
Would you like to subscribe to the Russian version of OTTOBRE design® magazine to be delivered to your home address?
El Maestro will handle the subscription service and sale of the Russian version of the magazine both for private and corporate customers, starting from issue 1/2013. Subscribe to the magazine in advance on El Maestro’s website at http://www.elmaestro.ru/Podpiska/index.php
By making your subscription in advance you will ensure that you are among the first ones to receive your magazine!
Приветствуем Вас, дорогие русскоязычные читатели нашего журнала!
В течение прошедших лет журнал «OTTOBRE Design» завоевал внимание широкой и лояльной читательской аудитории и в России и в других русскоязычных странах. Мы получили от Вас массу трогательных писем с просьбой начать выпуск журнала на русском языке. Мы рады сообщить, что Ваше желание сбудется! В начале 2013г. начнет выходить журнал «OTTOBRE Design Kids» на русском языке.
Мы сотрудничаем с московской компанией ООО «Эль Маэстро», которое уже прошедшей осенью выпустило два номера журнала на русском языке: 1/2012 RUS (перевод прошлогоднего номера журнала OTTOBRE Kids 4/2011) и 2/2012 (перевод прошлогоднего номера журнала OTTOBRE Kids 6/2011).
Два первых русскоязычных журнала оказались настолько успешными, что нам легко было принять решение о параллельном выпуске журнала на русском и других языках! В 2013г. на русском языке будут опубликованы все детские номера журнала «OTTOBRE Design». Русскоязычная версия журнала будет в продаже недели через три-четыре после выхода журнала на английском языке.
+ + +
Подписаны ли Вы на англоязычную версию журнала «OTTOBRE design»?
Если Вы подписаны на англоязычную версию журнала, но предпочитаете получать журнал на русском языке, поступайте следующим образом: Связывайтесь с нами по электронной почте info@ottobre.fi. Сообщайте ФИО, адрес, и по возможности – свой клиентский номер. В качестве темы сообщения указывайте «OTTOBRE Russian» для обеспечения срочного обслуживания вне очереди.
Обращайтесь к нам как можно быстрее! Сообщения, принятые не позднее 5 декабря, будут сразу учтены в базе подписчиков, и Вы будете получать русскоязычную версию журнала, начиная с самого первого детского выпуска 2013г (№ 1/2013).
После истечения срока действующей подписки, Вы можете по своему усмотрению оформить новую подписку и через ООО «Эль Маэстро».
Центр обслуживания подписчиков журнала «OTTOBRE design» в Финляндии
(info@ottobre.fi), тел. +358 16 42 50 851
• обеспечивает обслуживание всех подписчиков до истечения срока действующей, оплаченной подписки.
• обеспечивает, по-прежнему, годовую подписку на англоязычную версию журнала «ОТТОBRE design» для читателей, живущих в русскоязычных странах. У нас Вы можете также подписаться на журнал «OTTOBRE design Woman»
+ + +
Предпочитаете ли Вы получать журнал «OTTOBRE design» непосредственно в свой абонентский / почтовый ящик?
ООО «Эль Маэстро» обеспечивает обслуживание и частных и корпоративных подписчиков русскоязычной версии журнала, начиная с номера 1/2013. Оформляйте подписку на сайте http://www.elmaestro.ru/Podpiska/index.php
Оформив предварительную подписку на журнал, вы будете получать его среди самых первых читателей!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Bonjour la France, la Belgique et le Canada et tous nos amis francophones !
Bonjour France, Belgium and Canada and all our French-speaking Friends!
Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir vous annoncer de bonnes nouvelles. Nous avons voulu le garder secret jusqu'à présent, nous y sommes parvenus de justesse ! Ayant reçu tant de beaux messages encourageants de votre part, nous souhaitons répondre à vos attentes : le magazine OTTOBRE design® sera également édité EN FRANÇAIS à partir de janvier 2013.
La première version française, OTTOBRE design® enfant 1/2013, paraîtra au début de l'année, puis les éditions suivantes, y compris le magazine femme, seront elles aussi en français.
Abonnez-vous au magazine en français à l'avance !
Vous pouvez vous abonner au magazine en français à partir du 24 novembre 2012 sur notre site Web à : https://www.ottobredesign.com/subscription/index.php?lang=en
Si vous souhaitez commander seulement un numéro à l'unité en français (numéro 1/2013), vous pouvez le commander ici :
Abonnez-vous ou commandez à l'avance votre numéro à l'unité pour vous assurer d'être parmi premiers à recevoir le magazine !
+ + +
Vous souhaitez changer la langue de votre abonnement ?
Si vous avez déjà un abonnement annuel en cours et si vous souhaitez recevoir votre magazine en français à l'avenir, il suffit de suivre les consignes :
Envoyez-nous un email à service@ottobre.fi
Donnez votre nom, adresse et, si possible, votre numéro de client dans votre message. Ecrivez “OTTOBRE French” dans le champ de titre du message, ainsi nous saurons qu'il faut le traiter rapidement.
Soyez rapide ! Les messages reçus avant fin novembre (le 30 nov.) seront traités et saisis dans notre liste d’envois, et vous recevrez alors l'édition enfant 1/2013 en français.
Vous souhaitez devenir un revendeur de Ottobre magazine en France ou en Belgique ?
Le magazine sera en vente dans les maisons de la presse et dans les bonnes librairies en France et en Belgique. Si vous êtes propriétaire d'un magasin de tissu ou d'une mercerie et si vous souhaitez devenir un revendeur de notre magazine, contactez notre agent française Rébecca Hindermann à ottobrefrance@laposte.net ou notre service clients à service@ottobre.fi
Vous serez bienvenus dans l'équipe !
Partagez la bonne nouvelle, faites circuler cette information sur votre blog, parlez en à vos amis, vous participerez ainsi à la diffusion de notre magazine en français.
+ + +
Bonjour France, Belgium and Canada and all our French-speaking Friends!
We are excited to announce some wonderful news to you. We wanted to keep it a Big Secret up till now, which we barely managed! Having received so many lovely, encouraging messages from you, we decided to fulfill your wishes: OTTOBRE design® magazine will be published also IN FRENCH as from the beginning of next year.
The first French-language issue, OTTOBRE design® enfant 1/2013, will be published in January 2013, and after that, all forthcoming issues, including the women’s magazine, will also be published in French.
Subscribe to the French-language magazine in advance!
You can make an annual subscription to the magazine as from November 24, 2012 on our website at:
Make your subscription or order in advance to ensure that you are among the first ones to receive the magazine!
+ + +
Do you wish to change the language of your annual subscription?
If you already have a valid annual subscription but would like to receive your magazine in French in the future, proceed as follows:
Send us an email at service@ottobre.fi
State your name, address and, if possible, your customer number in your message. Write “OTTOBRE French” in the title field to prompt us to deal with the message straight away.
Be quick! Notices received by the end of November (Nov 30) will be processed and entered in our mailing list so that you will already receive the first children’s issue of 2013 (1/2013) in French.
+ + +
Would you like to become a retailer of Ottobre magazines in France or Belgium?
The magazine will be on sale at well-stocked newsstands and bookstores in France and Belgium. If you own a fabric or sewing supplies store and would like to become a retailer of our magazine, please contact our French-speaking agent Rébecca Hindermann at ottobrefrance@laposte.net or our customer service at service@ottobre.fi
You are very welcome to join the team!
Please spread our good news also in your blog and among your friends in order to attract as many happy customers to our French-language magazine as possible.
Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir vous annoncer de bonnes nouvelles. Nous avons voulu le garder secret jusqu'à présent, nous y sommes parvenus de justesse ! Ayant reçu tant de beaux messages encourageants de votre part, nous souhaitons répondre à vos attentes : le magazine OTTOBRE design® sera également édité EN FRANÇAIS à partir de janvier 2013.
La première version française, OTTOBRE design® enfant 1/2013, paraîtra au début de l'année, puis les éditions suivantes, y compris le magazine femme, seront elles aussi en français.
Abonnez-vous au magazine en français à l'avance !
Vous pouvez vous abonner au magazine en français à partir du 24 novembre 2012 sur notre site Web à : https://www.ottobredesign.com/subscription/index.php?lang=en
Si vous souhaitez commander seulement un numéro à l'unité en français (numéro 1/2013), vous pouvez le commander ici :
Abonnez-vous ou commandez à l'avance votre numéro à l'unité pour vous assurer d'être parmi premiers à recevoir le magazine !
+ + +
Vous souhaitez changer la langue de votre abonnement ?
Si vous avez déjà un abonnement annuel en cours et si vous souhaitez recevoir votre magazine en français à l'avenir, il suffit de suivre les consignes :
Envoyez-nous un email à service@ottobre.fi
Donnez votre nom, adresse et, si possible, votre numéro de client dans votre message. Ecrivez “OTTOBRE French” dans le champ de titre du message, ainsi nous saurons qu'il faut le traiter rapidement.
Soyez rapide ! Les messages reçus avant fin novembre (le 30 nov.) seront traités et saisis dans notre liste d’envois, et vous recevrez alors l'édition enfant 1/2013 en français.
Vous souhaitez devenir un revendeur de Ottobre magazine en France ou en Belgique ?
Le magazine sera en vente dans les maisons de la presse et dans les bonnes librairies en France et en Belgique. Si vous êtes propriétaire d'un magasin de tissu ou d'une mercerie et si vous souhaitez devenir un revendeur de notre magazine, contactez notre agent française Rébecca Hindermann à ottobrefrance@laposte.net ou notre service clients à service@ottobre.fi
Vous serez bienvenus dans l'équipe !
Partagez la bonne nouvelle, faites circuler cette information sur votre blog, parlez en à vos amis, vous participerez ainsi à la diffusion de notre magazine en français.
+ + +
Bonjour France, Belgium and Canada and all our French-speaking Friends!
We are excited to announce some wonderful news to you. We wanted to keep it a Big Secret up till now, which we barely managed! Having received so many lovely, encouraging messages from you, we decided to fulfill your wishes: OTTOBRE design® magazine will be published also IN FRENCH as from the beginning of next year.
The first French-language issue, OTTOBRE design® enfant 1/2013, will be published in January 2013, and after that, all forthcoming issues, including the women’s magazine, will also be published in French.
Subscribe to the French-language magazine in advance!
You can make an annual subscription to the magazine as from November 24, 2012 on our website at:
Make your subscription or order in advance to ensure that you are among the first ones to receive the magazine!
+ + +
Do you wish to change the language of your annual subscription?
If you already have a valid annual subscription but would like to receive your magazine in French in the future, proceed as follows:
Send us an email at service@ottobre.fi
State your name, address and, if possible, your customer number in your message. Write “OTTOBRE French” in the title field to prompt us to deal with the message straight away.
Be quick! Notices received by the end of November (Nov 30) will be processed and entered in our mailing list so that you will already receive the first children’s issue of 2013 (1/2013) in French.
+ + +
Would you like to become a retailer of Ottobre magazines in France or Belgium?
The magazine will be on sale at well-stocked newsstands and bookstores in France and Belgium. If you own a fabric or sewing supplies store and would like to become a retailer of our magazine, please contact our French-speaking agent Rébecca Hindermann at ottobrefrance@laposte.net or our customer service at service@ottobre.fi
You are very welcome to join the team!
Please spread our good news also in your blog and among your friends in order to attract as many happy customers to our French-language magazine as possible.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Sandy ate our candy...
Dear Readers in North America,
We have received inquiries about the non-arrival of our
winter issue 6/2012 in North America. Regarding this, our partner, the Swiss
Post, sent us the following message to be forwarded to our customers:
“Because of the Superstorm Sandy, the situation regarding
shipments to the USA is really chaotic. International shipments are normally
imported via New York’s JFK Airport, which has – in addition to the storm –
suffered from exceptional snowfalls. Due to this, a large amount of
international mail is stuck at the airport, waiting for the situation to get
back to normal. Although some of the international shipments have been
re-directed to other airports, there are still considerable delays due to the
It is advisable to ask customers to continue to be patient
and wait. They will definitely receive their magazines once the chaos has been sorted
We regret this state of affairs and hope that you have the
patience to wait a little longer for the situation to clear up.
Best regards,
Matti Hepola
Publishing Director
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Sneak peek on winter issue 6/2012
You better start lurking your mailman. Or take a better look at our website.
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The baby boy’s special-occasion outfit comprises a fresh-green jersey shirt sewn from printed organic-cotton single jersey and cotton-twill pants. |
duffle coat,
kids fashion,
Sneak Peek,
winter 6/2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
The results of the draw
Thank you for your help! The results of our draw are here.
1st prize
150 euro gift certificate for use in our online fabric store on Etsy
The lucky winner is:
Eva Schoeters from Berchem, Belgium
2nd and 3rd prize
50 euro gift certificate for use in our online fabric store on Etsy
The two lucky winners are:
Kimberly from San Antonio, USA and Fabulies from Gent, Belgium
4th and 5th prize
Lovely sewing-related product package, value 30 euros
The two lucky winners are:
Melanie Kitschprinzessin from Weimar, Germany and Angie Robinson from St. Paul, MN USA
All winners, please email us so we can give you needed information how to get your prize!
Email ottobre(a)ottobre.fi
Congratulations to all winners!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Keep an eye on your mailbox and take part in a draw!
Dear subscriber to OTTOBRE magazine, we need your help!
OTTOBRE Woman 5/2012 was mailed to all our subscribers over a week ago and should be reaching every corner of the world soon. The official publishing date is August 24.
In order to further improve our service, we want to closely monitor the delivery times of this issue. This is where we need your help.
Write your home town and country in the comment field, as well as the date you received the magazine. Notice that you can only take part in this enquiry and draw if you are a subscriber to the magazine. For the sake of fairness, later this autumn we will have another draw open also to non-subscribers. You are all important to us!
If you wish to enter your comment anonymously, please, however, use a pseudonym because all respondents take part in the draw for wonderful prizes.
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Fabrics from Hilco'c A/W 2012-13 collection |
1st prize: 150 euro gift certificate for use in our online fabric store on Etsy
2nd and 3rd prize: 50 euro gift certificate for use in our online fabric store on Etsy
4th and 5th prize: lovely sewing-related product package, value 30 euros
Thank you for your help!
P.S. Don’t forget to check out the results of the draw in our blog on September 10.
I almost forgot! We have created a Facebook profile for OTTOBRE design. There you find the latest news from our editorial office and Etsy shop! Like us on Facebook > you'll find the link on right hand panel, just click "Tykkää". It is "like" in Finnish language.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
More close-up shots OTTOBRE woman 5/2012
It’s easy to fall in love with this linen tunic dress! It is versatile and it flatters your figure. It can be paired with jeans or leggings. Make it a few centimeters longer and wear it with a thick pantyhose and flat shoes. Made from wool fabric, it would be perfectly suitable for special occasions, while printed cotton fabric would give it a retro look and plaid fabric would turn it into a rustic-style dress.
The neckline and the waist seam are detailed with beautiful topstitching sewn by hand with embroidery floss. The the sleeve edges are trimmed with pleated strips.
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Design # 1. Stitch Details tunic/dress 100% linen (Soft linen or Light-weight linen in our Etsy-shop) |
The simple wrap-around jacket with extra long, narrow sleeves is sewn from rib knit. The jacket is cut in two pieces that are joined at the center-back. The top and bottom edges are finished with hems, and the sleeves are stitched in place last. The jacket can be worn in various ways: you can wrap it over your shoulders like a scarf or around your waist to the back.
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Design # 2. Warmly Wrapped cardi |
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Design # 12. Axtec velveteen skirt Gorgeour velveteen is from Anna Maria Horner's collection |
Wool is a truly versatile material. This yellow coat is sewn from lightweight boiled wool, which is easy to cut and sew. Since boiled wool doesn’t fray, no seam finish is necessary. The front panels of the coat are generously overlapped and secured with a large kilt pin. Zippered pockets are inserted in the panel seams on the front.
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Design # 18. Perfect Autumn Coat Material: 100% wool (Boiled wool from our Etsy shop) |
boiled wool,
linen dress
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Close-Up shots of OTTOBRE woman 5/2012
All the long summer we have been waiting for summer weather to arrive, and finally just before we lost our hope, the heat is on... Despite of this odd phenomenon which is tempting us to beach, we'd like to show you some close-ups of our women's autumn/winter collection.
Click to enlarge the pictures and take a closer look!
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Design # 8. Patchwork long-sleeve jersey top in sizes 34-52 Material: viscose (a.k.a rayon) single jersey in three different matching print patterns as well as in solid-color greyish brown |
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Design # 4. Romantic Touch lace-knit cardigan in sizes 34-52 Material: 59% wool 28% polyamide 3% elastane |
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More long-sleeve tops. They are made from breathable viscose single jersey that feels gentle on the skin. |
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Sneak peek of OTTOBRE woman 5/2012
Hi all!

It’s wonderful to wrap up in wool on misty autumn mornings and roam around the streets and alleys of your home town. Lovely knit jackets, tunics, a skirt, pants and a delicious quilted coat will keep the chill at bay. Wool knits, viscose jersey, velveteen, boiled wool and linen…
A long weekend in the countryside breaks up the daily grind nicely. Clothes can be casual and laid-back: a chunky knit jacket, a blazer, a plaid shirt blouse, a viscose jersey top and corduroy jeans. The autumn palette is made up of shades of mud-grey, a touch of rich tangerine, rhubarb-red, misty lilac, titanium-grey and hazy rose-red.
Music evokes various emotions, memories and visions. It can have a calming or energizing effect, depending on the situation. An elegant sheath dress was sewn from jacquard-patterned fabric with a border. A long special-occasion dress provides flamboyant performance apparel for a chamber musician.
Our official publishing date is Aug 24, 2012, so be patient for few more days. We start sending the magazines next week, as soon as we get them from printhouse.
While you are browsing you can listen this lovely Finnish singer songwriter Aino Venna. Enjoy!
Waltz To Paris by Aino Venna
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Important message to our English edition subscribers!
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Hi there!
We have gotten a lot of messages from North America, as well as, from the UK about magazines that haven't yet arrived.
So, if your 4/2012 magazine hasn't arrived, please e-mail our customer service (include your name, address and customer number, if possible) and we will try to find out what happened. We will then resend your copy in the big familiar white envelope a.s.a.p.
We already know that some customers received their copies on July 6 and some others not until yesterday - July 16. This is definitely not how it should go. We take this very seriously and one older lady here is getting gray hair while wondering what happened between July 6th and July 16th. Normal shipping time to overseas countries is 7-10 days and all autumn magazines were posted on Thursday, June 28.
We promise to do all we can to sort this out as soon as possible! We appreciate your patience in this matter as we get it resolved.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
OTTOBRE design Autumn issue sneak peek!
Welcome, Autumn!
Our autumn issue is now here for you to enjoy. The official publishing date is July 6., but as always the oversea countries (North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Japan) will get their copy a bit later. You can check the online preview of the magazine on our website!
We're wishing you all enjoyable Summer!
Let’s spoil the children and dress them in ultra-trendy clothes! A cool collection for young rock kids. Black, white and bright colors.
Sizes 110-170 cm
Our baby collection is revamped with a new, fresh look, without compromising on comfort and practicality. Sweet coveralls, tops and pants.
Sizes 56-92 cm
All sorts of funny things can happen when the children go on an outing in the woods, dressed in their laid-back, trendy clothes. Colorful items with tons of details made from high-quality materials: hoodies, pants, tops and a cute jumpsuit romper.
Sizes 92-152 cm
Good news to our Russian speaking readers
Хорошая новость для наших русскоговорящих читателей
Вышел первый русскоязычный номер журнала Оttobre!
Журнал OTTOBRE design® издается с 2000 года на пяти языках. Кроме нашего родного финского языка выходят версии на английском, немецком, шведском и голландском языках, распространяемые более чем по 130 странам мира. Читатели во всех уголках мира очень активно откликаются на нашу публикацию и желают, чтобы журнал вышел и на других языках.
Особенно большой интерес к выпуску журнала на своем родном языке проявляли наши соседи в России. Мы рады сообщить своим русским читателям хорошую новость. Издатель OTTOBRE design® начал сотрудничество с московской компанией Эль Маэстро. К концу текущего года Эль Маэстро выпустит в России и соседних русскоговорящих странах два полных выпуска журнала на русском языке. Первый выпуск OTTOBRE design® 1/2012 RUS, только что вышедший в продажу, был опубликован на исходном финском языке под номером 4/2011. Второй выпуск 2/2012 RUS, планируемый на осень, вышел на финском языке под номером 6/2011.
Подписку на русскоязычную версию журнала можно оформить ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО через Эль Маэстро. Журнал будет в России доступен и в розничных торговых точках.
Обслуживание читателей русскоязычного журнала:
электронная почта: info@elmaestro.ru
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Матти Хепола
Издательский директор
Saturday, June 16, 2012
It is T time!
Scandinavian design for cool kids! It is playful and child friendly. Colorful characters and little illustrated stories will capture your child's imagination.
Check our T-shirt patterns in our summer issue and our newest colorful jerseys in our Etsy shop.
Check our T-shirt patterns in our summer issue and our newest colorful jerseys in our Etsy shop.
Friday, April 13, 2012
OTTOBRE summer issue sneak peek
Hello Summer –here we come!
Our summer issue is soon to be published. The official date is April 20., so you need to be patient few more days. Before the magazine is in your hands, you find the online preview on our website.
The themes:
A delicious, colorful collection of summer clothes. Stripes. Plaids. Prints. Snazzy details and rich fabric patterns! T-shirts, tunics, shorts, Bermudas and dresses for children of various ages.
Sizes 92-170 cm
The fascinating animal world appeals to young children. Rompers, tops, pants, shorts and a hooded jacket for babies and toddlers.
Sizes 50-92 cm
Dresses for girls and smart outfits for boys for summer special occasions. Lovable dresses sewn from linen, batiste and poplin. Fresh plaid shirts, linen Bermudas, T-shirts and pants for boys.
Sizes 62-170 cm
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The cute little owl pillows are made of Lillestoff's ready printed Owl panel. You can find it from our Etsy shop. |
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